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Ogmogra is the name of the star system that lends it's name to the Ogmogran civilization, that was fabled to have inhabited earth along with other early groups that finally made their way to a young Earth, via asteroids, meteors and finally meteorites that landed in what is now known as Gondwana.

Little is known of that early civilization, but we still see remnants of them through their writings. Translating their epic tales of cataclysmic change has proved difficult for the greatest scholars of our time, but we understand that mystical writings from some of their descendants can still be found in the Australian Bush.

Fable has it that these winged creatures found residence in the forests and became the fairies of folklore.

They were seen to hover around the campfires of the emerging human civilizations and land in the trees out of reach. Through the millennia, they were able to pass on much of their ancient wisdom in what we now know as the Dreamtime.  In the quiet of the evenings, they would hum their tunes to the resting nomads and write their stories for all to read. We see their writings today, but translation has still eluded us. Attempting to tie all the historical evidence of their lives on their home planet continue to evade all but the Aboriginal Elders who have retold the stories of the Dreamtime for generations, adding new information as they interpret it from the writings of the Ogmograns.






Famed Australian poet, Judith Wright, wrote of these mysterious words in her poem


Scribbly Gums

The cold spring falls from the stone.
I passed and heard
the mountain, palm and fern
spoken in one strange word.
The gum-tree stands by the spring.
I peeled its splitting bark
and found the written track
of a life I could not read.



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