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About Domistat:


As a Photographer, the founder has had assignments that included taking Forensic Photographs of all manner of Natural (and other) Disasters.


These include Forest, Brush, Bush and Grass fires, Cyclone, Hurricane, Tornado and Tsunami, Flooding via Deluge, Spillway failure, Embankment erosion as well as Oil Spills and Machinery Failure.


Many times these images were for Insurance Assessment or to be presented in Law Courts.



The human suffering, personal devastation and strength required to rebuild homes and lives has been a factor in applying Creative Thinking to largely Engineering problems.


Having traveled to more than 40 countries and witnessed the effects of disaster first hand, I believe that this approach to change building codes, build internal shelters and protect people, will ultimately save human lives, as well as millions of dollars in rebuilding costs.


Many times, Building Codes have not been adequate, or have been ignored and certainly lag behind current infrastructure issues and modern technology.


Now, I am applying my understanding of some of these issues as best I can, while calling on others to collaborate, share, join in, be active, lobby for change and generally help a fairly broken system.


Other devices and concepts are visualized by a desire to improve as much as innovate. Bringing together technology and improved materials allows us to all to have an improved lifestyle.


I'm not an architect. Just another engineer. 

But I'm old enough to have caught a few courses and been around a few blocks. One of the things that has amazed me is that the human race has been building structures for thousands of years, and we have only got to.... here.

We know more about our environment, engineering moments of force and the natural and man made catastrophes than ever before, and we still have houses blown away, get burned to the ground, or flooded beyond use. What went wrong?

A big stone castle on a hill, surrounded by a moat should have been a wake up call, it wasn't. We continue to purchase property in flood zones, cram them in together creating a fire risk, or build in the lower level of raised homes (ie Queenslanders) to have more useful space.

I have seen the devastation of Katrina in Louisiana, I have been burnt out of my home in Australia and lost four close friends to bushfires, I have friends that have lost their home to Cyclone Yasi, I have family that were prepared but still huddled terrified while they lost part of their roof and waited for the rest to go.

Wake up call. It's cheaper to do it well from the start, save on insurance, save on heartache and maybe even save lives. This is a call to all governments to create a think tank of people that are willing to look outside the box - a little lateral thinking - to come up with new standards that fit our lives, the 21st Century.

The ideas that I have been posting will seem naive to the civil engineers - good - prove me wrong by doing better. If you want to slam any of my ideas - make sure you have a better one.



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